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Chante's Baby's Story   — chante scott, GA, USA

At 36weeks I was tested for GBS and my results were negative. After having my baby and spending only 10 minutes with her she was sent to neonatal. I was told it was not life-threatening and that she only needed some oxygen. Then approximately 5 hrs later I was told she was about to be sent to another hospital. Then 2 hrs later I got a call to my room at the hospital saying she had to be sent to a hospital in another city. Once I got to where she was sent I was told that she had a GBS infection. The next day I was told there wasn't anything else they could do for her . I just don't understand how my test result for GBS was negative and my baby come out sick enough to pass away 2days later. How was it not detected? I just have so many unanswered questions...

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